Hi everyone! I hope you all are spending quality time with your family and friends for Thanksgiving!
I am still without my personal computer so I'm using my hubby's ~ which is really nice and everything......but it's not my computer with all my fun programs! So here I sit this evening pondering my plan of attack for tomorrow's menu! A non-traditional feast we are having~ no real turkey for us ~ we're doing a tofu~rkey instead. I'm making an Apple Bourbon Cake (recipe from Paula Niziolek) and White on White cupcakes (Pasta & Co. recipe)for dessert....yep forgoing the pumpkin pie! Even though we're going non traditional for the main course, we're still having Green Bean Casserole with French fried onions, mashed potatoes, my Gramma Merles Orange Cranberry Sauce and my favorite....Golden Layer Bisquits!
I know all of you are having a great day off (hopfully) and are gearing up for the sales Friday!!! Looks like JoAnn's is having a great sale from 6am ~ noon! Ah...scary just saw an ad for Kohl's ~ 4am ladies! Am I the only one that doesn't get out of bed to take advantage of these insane sale time slots!?
Safe travels for all too.
P.S. My husband picked the graphic for this featurette! Isn't it cute?