Ok ladies this is the visual I've come up with for our swap rotation schedule! Please see side bar. Blogger was having techinical difficulties so I couldn't post a large view here. See Flickr link below if you want to see it BIGGER! Should be pretty straight forward. As you will see all of our names are listed along with what month we each are representing. I'll use my name as an example. So January is our first swap month so I look at my name and whoever's name is the next month (Lola) that's who I swap with first. Then in February I look at who's name is after Lola's (Jennifer) so I swap with her and so on. Basically you just use your name as a starting point and work your way around the clock for the entire year. I wanted to have the schedule out early so we can all plan ahead if you want to be organized. What's nice about this is that you'll know what the theme is for every month along with who your swapping with so if you're out and about and see something ~ grab it! For example I love to do my Christmas shopping throughout the year so I figure I might as well shop/handmake throughout the year so it doesn't become overwhelming!
PS I should mention that since there are only 12 of us instead of 13 when we all reach December at the end of the year we won't have a new partner (per say). I figure for December we will drawn names for our swap partner so that will be the only person we swap with twice for 2008. We can do the drawing in January so we are prepared! Hope this is easy to follow. Once again it's early and my brain 't made friends yet with my typing fingers!!!
I posted a Larger view on flickr too: Come See!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Well ladies it might just be the 12 of us!

So I really wanted to have our group be the Bakers Dozen but the 13th member just isn't working out like I planned~ which is fine really!!!! Many of you have offered up names of other gals that you think would work perfectly! I appreciate the help and did contemplate the ideas but I feel more comfortable having it just be 12 girls! That way we can all pick a theme for our month and have fun with it!!! Here's a couple of things I wanted to put out on the table and please comment as you see fit.
#1...monitary value of swap? Is this important if so what is a fair swap amount per month? It's a tough one because I personally would much rather have a handmade item that costs 2 bucks in materials than a $15 dollar items from a store! I would like to see quality items, ideas etc. vs. the all mighty dollar as ruler. What's your opinion?
#2...since we have all 12 players now I can do the drawing for who gets what month as their swap theme!!! Are we all excited about that? I will have that info and a list of who will be swapping with who for the entire year by the end of the day today Wed. Oct 24th!!!!
#3....once we know what month we are all responsible for it might help with what theme we will choose! I know we have all swapped basic themes before like Mushrooms, Birdies, Cupcakes etc ~ but what I'd like to do is once you pick your theme I will put a twist on it!!!! For instance.....say Shan got February and her theme is "Love"...the twist I might think of would be "Romantic Couples in History"!!! That way we can really get creative and it leaves enough room for all of us to come up with fun exciting swaps!!!
12 players,
monitary value,
swap themes with a twist
Monday, October 8, 2007
Where Do You Call Home?

Wish this was my front entrance!!!
Wouldn't it be nice if we could all meet somewhere? Does anyone live near Candyland? Ha! Just kidding, but kind of not...Jennifer and I were discussing the idea of all getting together for a bit of R & R and Crafting too.
Please comment where you live and then maybe we can figure something out!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Update First Week of October!

Hi All! I just wanted to let everyone know where we are at right now on things! My original plan was to have 13 players ~ so far we've got 10 so we're doing pretty good! I have put in emails and messages to other hopful potentials but it's been over a week since I've contacted most and I haven't heard back : ( so I might be on the hunt again. I figure if I haven't heard by this weekend I will scout out a few more.
Thanks to all that have left their comments and suggestions! I think it's great that we will all have the chance to get to know eachother before our first swap! Keep your thinking caps on for your Swap idea, like I said before: "One per person". Perhaps more of a "generic theme"(with endless possiblities) is best (such as Debbi's idea "Party in a Box") because then the actual items are left up to the person "giving" based on their partners profile.
Welcome cooler weather for me! It was a long Hot Summer here in the desert and I eagerly await chilly nights! On the other side of the world~ welcome Spring/Summer to Drewzel! I know she's very excited about it!
If anyone needs to get a hold of me don't hesitate to message me on flickr, Swap-bot or my email is Gigi.Minor@Gmail.com
I will Update at least once a week here so check back and see what's new!
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