So I really wanted to have our group be the Bakers Dozen but the 13th member just isn't working out like I planned~ which is fine really!!!! Many of you have offered up names of other gals that you think would work perfectly! I appreciate the help and did contemplate the ideas but I feel more comfortable having it just be 12 girls! That way we can all pick a theme for our month and have fun with it!!! Here's a couple of things I wanted to put out on the table and please comment as you see fit.
#1...monitary value of swap? Is this important if so what is a fair swap amount per month? It's a tough one because I personally would much rather have a handmade item that costs 2 bucks in materials than a $15 dollar items from a store! I would like to see quality items, ideas etc. vs. the all mighty dollar as ruler. What's your opinion?
#2...since we have all 12 players now I can do the drawing for who gets what month as their swap theme!!! Are we all excited about that? I will have that info and a list of who will be swapping with who for the entire year by the end of the day today Wed. Oct 24th!!!!
#3....once we know what month we are all responsible for it might help with what theme we will choose! I know we have all swapped basic themes before like Mushrooms, Birdies, Cupcakes etc ~ but what I'd like to do is once you pick your theme I will put a twist on it!!!! For instance.....say Shan got February and her theme is "Love"...the twist I might think of would be "Romantic Couples in History"!!! That way we can really get creative and it leaves enough room for all of us to come up with fun exciting swaps!!!
Can't wait sweeties xxx
I'll put my thinking cap on right away and decide my months theme :)
1) hand made plus small store bought items (read: chocolate, lol) always appeals to me. But if the swaps are to be tailored to the recipient you might be paired with someone who would rather have 'store bought'. Were it up to me I'd leave it up to the swapper/swappee and set a 'do not exceed' amount.
2) my month is fine with me :-)
3) "Twist" till your heart is content, but we might surprise you and be plenty creative on our own. Certainly this would help you keep a certain level of control over the whole thing, which I know makes things go smoother sometimes.
4) Thanks for all the hard work so far :-)
Thanks Shan!!! I just thought putting a twist would make it a little more fun! How about we say monitary value not to exceed $15.00 USD (for store bought items). Like I said it's hard to put a monitary value on a craft item that may have cost 2 bucks but took 10 hours to make! Everyone just use your best judgement! We're all smart ladies with great ideas!!! I'm not worried at all about quality with this group ~ I just don't want anyone to feel bad for sending something that didn't cost a lot ~ and they receive something that obviously cost $$! I always feel like I can really send a lot of cool stuff for under $15.00!!! as long as I'm organized about it!!!
1. I think it all depends on the theme. I would keep it under $20 inc. postage because since we have a swap every month, it can get expensive.
2.July is fine with me. I probably will have a theme to do with vacations, travels/trips...
3. twists are fun, this is why we are swapping is to share creativity.
That sounds great ~ I know shipping is an ugly monster! If we didn't have to ship that would be heavenly!!! $20.00 USD sounds like a nice number....anyone else?
PS Jennifer Love your Travel Theme!!! Great idea!
Well, Gigi, guess I better come up with a theme, since my month is first! What fun!
Gigi, I am really thinking hard about theme for my month! I would love to make a kawaii swaps but not all of us love kawaii..now, i need to think!!! i love marie antoinette theme..u really rock, and sweet!
Ichigo~ Hi!
So yes I think maybe a broader more generic theme is best. Kawaii is adorable but I think you're right :) I know you'll think up something wonderful. If your heart is set on it we should have people leave their thoughts about it here. Perhaps maybe we should'nt leave it out completley. The other things is whatever the theme is and since everyone knows (by your post) that you LOVE Kawaii ~ it can help them to get a swap ready for you! You're pretty much garanteed that when I have you as a partner I will give you something Kawaii! Because I know you'll love it! I just had a thought ~ what if you picked a theme that is used a lot in Kawaii items? Like a "FOOD" item for instance? That way it's nice and broad !!! : )
hey gigi...thank u so much for ur idea! i came out with kawaii themed of corse, but a little twist! its something like "kawaii in pink" where partners can swaps pink kawaii stuff with pink pretty stuffs that any girls would love, not necessarily kawaii..example: lipgloss, makeup, hairbands, charm bracelet, purse, anything pink and can make a girl so sweet and angelic!
oh gigi..i'm terribly sorry, i cant give a great themes like the others..oh,i hope everyone is ok with that...(^_^)
Silly girl don't say that! I think that your idea is wonderful! Let's see if everyone loves Pink? Or maybe if they don't we could say "Favorite Color Cuteness".
YAHOO!!!!! I got in!!!!! Oh, sorry, Google. GOOGLE! Well, Gigi, looks like you're SOL and can't help me--er, this time! LOVE YOU--you da bomb!
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