My dream swap group is truly coming to fruition! So this is what I'd like to see happen: just a quick overview here!Since there will be 13 of us total and there's 12 months in a year (yes I realize the 13th person is odd girl out...keep reading :), what I'd like to see happen is each person will have the chance throughout the year to come up with "one" swap theme! And that way we'll all get to know eachothers likes! ~ We will each swap once a month with eachother and never have the same partner twice. Think of it as a rotation swap (hence the clock face image :). Once everyone has joined I will assign a month to you. Please leave a comment below and tell me your birthday month (and of course the actual day too so we will all know when everybodies' birthdays are). So now for the math problem of 13 girls to fit into 12 months. After all have joined and we know what our themes are: I will pick a name from a hat and whomever I pick: "WE" will join forces to make it an Extra Special Swap Month. For instance instead of sending to one partner that month you will send to two! I hope I explained this okay ~ it is early and I'm not totally awake yet! It makes sense in my head maybe just not in type :)
My birthday is February 17th ! And yes I'm well over the age of 18! Although it seems like yesterday!
Love the Idea :)
My birthday is January 1st
'New Years Day' I'm 23 x
My birthday is nov 2...and I am old
Hello there..! My birthday is 13th January..
I'm going to be 25y/o next year! Yeay!
Thanks everyone so far leaving me their comments!
Hey Gigi, my b-day is December 12th! Lots of wintry babies so far!
Yes indeed! Very interesting!
My birthday is Dec 3. I'm a summer baby :P
my birthday is September 9th. My son's is the same bday as gigi's. I am over 30 but under 35.
Happy Belated Birthday Jennifer! Wow! That's cool your son and I share the same bday! I share my Grandmothers bday too (exactly 50 years apart)! Isn't that special!
I reckon that I'm currently the most 'senior' member of the group. My b'day is July 29th. Whenever anybody would ask me how old I was, I'd always say, 'A lady never divulges her age.' I like to keep 'em guessin', since I don't look, or act, my age. Ever!
i completely did not understand how it works, and i am very good at math.
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