I know it's a little early to start thinking about the New Year, but I want to be nice and organized come 2008 so that's why the early invitation! First off: Hi to all my friends who have been personally invited to join this PRIVATE swapping group! Since I love to bake I thought it only appropriate to invite one Dozen Deliciously Sweet Ladies! We as a whole are "The BAKERS Dozen" ~ 13 is a very LUCKY number to me! I'd like to keep this Small and Intimate due to the Overwhelming problems of Flaky Swappers out there. If you were invited that means in my opinion...YOU ROCK for so many reasons like: you're Friendly, Creative, Artistic, Talented and Awesome!! If you would like to be part of this once a month Swapping group, please comment below! I will always due my darndest to stay in communication with all of you! Please, when you leave your comment tell me ONE theme you'd love to swap! More details to follow...
Thanks for Joining~ I'm so excited to kick the NEW YEAR off right!
P.S. Please leave me your email address at Gigi.Minor@gmail.com
I'd like to send group emails to keep everyone updated!
Gigi Minor
I guess I'll start the thread! My name is Gigi Minor and my one theme I'd like to swap is FLAMES!
Of course I want to be part of your group!!!!! You have just too much fun! And I'm all about fun! A theme I'd like to see is.....I'll get back to ya on that! Thought of some stuff the other day, but I'm drawing a blank right now!hahahaha
Thanks, Gigi, for the invite!
Awesome Z! I knew I could count on you! Get back to me whenever is convenient for you!
Yay! I was feeling so anonymous on swap-bot despite my efforts and hard-work. Thanks for the invitation! You betcha I want to be a part of gigi-minors group!Themes...hmm...putting my thinking cap on!
Yes, please count me in! I am soooooo excited!!! One swap I had been thinking about being fun would be a party in a box ...my girls friends all tease me about being the theme princess. Hummmm flames...now that could go a whole lot of directions! I am already thinkin'
Love the "Party in a Box" idea Debbi! Yes flames could be interpretated many different ways! I'm thinkin' Hell's Kitchen to Classic cars from the 50's! Whatever tickles your fancy!
thank you for the invitation gigi..I'm in!
That's great ichigo! So happy to see you join : ) This is going to be a lot of fun!
This is going to be so much fun!! Thanks Gigi for the honorable invite ;)
I am totally digging the "Party in a box" theme! Think of the possibilities!! And with the new year arising I think it would be a blast!
BTW I'm Barbara aka craftsty! I don't spend to much swapping around swap-bot Im more of a flickr girl lol. But it's nice to meet you all and hope to get to know those who I don't know better!!
::cheers to new friends::
I'm so in!!!!
Thankyou so much for asking me to join, Big Hugs to Gigi and to all the HOT GIRLIES x
Some Swap Suggestions -
- Rockabilly Theme
- Five Fav Words
- Kawaii Surprise
- Cute Inedible Food
- Subculture Swap
Five Fav words sounds like fun to!!
Hi Gigi,
Thanks so much for the invite, I'd be delighted to participate. I look forward to meeting everyone :-)
Oh I woke up this morning to find Hailey and Shan join the group! CAn I get a Whoop~whoop! Yeah so much fun! Thanks so much I'm totally thrilled!
Oh Gigi my love, what an honor! Our private swap with Hansel and Gretel has gotten me thinking about other fairy tales! I would love a fairy tale theme swap. And maybe when the year rolls around, a May Day swap?
Oh Leth~ you're here! I was wondering if you were up and about this morning! It's 6:45 at my house! I probably should be in my cozy bed, but I was too excited to sleep anymore! Welcome!
Love the fairytale swap!!! Great idea! May Day sounds really fun too! Great - lot so f food for thought here!
13 is indeed a lucky number
I love the # 8 too!
Gigi you rock! How come I only realised this page was here now?
I love Hailey's swap ideas, I'd love to play along with all of them!!!
Thanks for the great suggestions! I love them all too! So like I said if we could all come up with one that would be perf!
Just a little side note: Hailey has suggested a Rockabilly theme ~ which I love :) I know we'll be doing a Rockabilly Swap for FAA so Hailey~ you need to join FAA on flickr to become part of that swap!
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